Volunteering at Madrona Elementary

Madrona PTSA believes we are a stronger school community when we all work together to support our students, families, and staff.  We value the diverse skill-sets and life experiences that our parents, families, and community members bring to our school, and we strive to make volunteering accessible to all who have time and talents to share.  Our goal is to make sure that every Madrona community member knows how to get involved and feels welcome to do so, as much or as little as they want to and are able.

Check out our online Signups Page for a list of up-to-date volunteer opportunities all in one place … or click the links below to sign up for a specific job!

upcoming events

FRC Grab & Go Pantry
Madrona Elementary's Family Resource Center runs a Grab & Go food pantry in the School Library.  Grab & Go takes place twice per week, on Tuesdays 12-3pm and Fridays 3-6pm.  Volunteers are needed to help greet families, show them that day's offerings, and ensure proper social distancing and safety practices are being observed.  We also need volunteers to collect food from our various partner agencies throughout the week, re-stock the pantry, and ensure everything is safe, fresh, and clean.
Click here to signup online: https://signup.com/go/RNsfHTm

Backpack Brigade School Supply Packing
Madrona Elementary is providing each student with a backpack full of all the school supplies they will need for the first semester of remote learning.  Volunteers are requested to help pack backpacks on Tuesday, September 1 from 11am-3:30pm, with an ON-CALL third shift from 4-6pm, if needed.

Volunteers must be in good health (no fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, headache, vomiting or diarrhea), and willing to wear a face mask and gloves for the entirety of their shift.  We will be working in the gym to allow for proper social distancing, and volunteers are asked to stay at least six feet away from other staff and volunteers at all times.
Click here to signup online: https://signup.com/go/DtVrZpB

ongoing opportunities

Madrona Merch Days

First & Last Fridays of each month | 2:25-2:45pm | Cafeteria
Madrona PTSA sells Madrona Spirit Wear and other panther merchandise after school on the first and last Friday of each month (to coincide with Popcorn Fridays and PATH Band Assemblies). Volunteers are needed to set up in the cafeteria, sell merchandise, and clean up afterwards. Volunteers must have the Square 'Point of Sale' app downloaded on their smart phone and be comfortable making change and accounting for cash received.
Volunteers are needed on the first and last Fridays of each month, 2-3pm
Please click here to sign up for a shift online.

Popcorn Fridays

First Fridays of each month | 2:25-2:45pm | Cafeteria
Madrona Elementary hosts Popcorn Fridays on the first Friday of each month as a way to come together as a community and celebrate our students for following the Panther PATH. Volunteer duties include: setting up the popcorn machine in the cafeteria, making and bagging popcorn for 250 people, handing out popcorn and collecting tickets/money, and cleaning up at the end.
Volunteers are needed the first Friday of each month, 12-3pm
Please click here to sign up for a shift online.

How to get started …

Become an Official Madrona Volunteer

If you hope to volunteer during the school day with students at Madrona this year (in classrooms, on field trips, as a room parent, etc.) but have not yet had a chance to complete the Seattle Public Schools online application, please visit: seattleschools.org/volunteer to get started. 

This Process includes:

NOTE: If you do not have access to a computer or internet access, there are computers available in the School Library.  If you need further assistance, please email volunteer@madronaptsa.org or call the school at 206.252.3100 to schedule a time to meet with a volunteer coordinator.

Attend A volunteer orientation

If you would like to volunteer at Madrona during the school day -- either as a classroom helper, a Room Parent, or as a field trip chaperone -- and you have not previously attended one of our on-site volunteer trainings, please email volunteer@madronaptsa.org to schedule an orientation today. These sessions are a great way to learn more about Madrona and some of the systems our teachers and staff use to help our students learn and grow.

General Volunteer news …

Room Parent Program

All families are welcome to volunteer at Madrona Elementary. Whether you have a lot of time to give: chaperone a field trip! Or a little: make copies at school, cut shapes at home! You are encouraged to support your child’s classroom.  Look for emails from your class’s Room Parent with volunteer opportunities, or reach out to your child’s teacher with what interests you!

Calling all chaperones!

Madrona students love going on field trips, and families are encouraged to participate if they can! Your child's Room Parent will be in touch when field trip opportunities arise.  Before volunteering as a field trip chaperone, please review and sign the following document (in addition to the standard volunteer application/Background Check)"Guidelines for Volunteer Chaperones" and “Field Trip Chaperone Form.”

More ways to be involved …

If you would like to learn more about volunteering, please email a Volunteer Coordinator at: volunteer@madronaptsa.org.