Want to get involved?

Please browse this list and let us know if you or someone you know is interested in taking on a leadership role or joining a team. All are welcome, and your voice is needed!

We would like to invite you to be involved as you are able.  We welcome you to volunteer and set a time commitment that feels possible for you.

Email us at ptsa@madronaptsa.org to learn more or sign up

Staff appreciation

We love our Madrona Staff and Teachers! The Staff Appreciation Committee organizes monthly community-sourced potlucks with a different theme each month. These events are a fun, simple, and are a great way to get involved!


Want to help keep families informed about school activities? Join the Communications Team!

special EVENTS

The PTSA puts on several events throughout the year including the Back to School Barbecue, Uniform Swaps, the Move-A-Thon, and the Madrona PTSA table at the Madrona Mayfair. If you love putting together events, this committee is for you!


The FRC Team works with the school’s Family Support Worker to make sure our students and families have access to donated uniforms, toiletries, shelf-stable foods, and other items as needed. Volunteers help collect food for Thanksgiving and Winter Break Holiday drive-ups and organize clothing donations and run our annual summer uniform swap at the Back to School BBQ and pop-ups as needed.


The Volunteer Committee helps Madrona families feel welcome and know how to participate in their child(ren)’s school. The committee supports teachers, staff, and PTSA in organizing volunteers for School and PTSA events. Coordinates closely with administrative staff to ensure all volunteers have completed appropriate paperwork and trainings.